Rotorua Market Share Calculators

Enabling businesses to calculate market share

For all businesses, calculating market share is an essential business metric. For tourism and hospitality businesses, this is no different. Given the profile of the tourism industry, with a large proportion of small operators, it can be challenging to calculate.

To help with this, we've created two simple tools to enable Rotorua businesses to calculate market share based on visitor days and visitor spend.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at 

Visitation Market Share Calculator

Data source: Vistr, Visitor Volume Estimates (VVE)

  • This calculator is based on mobile phone data which calculates the peak daytime number of domestic and international visitors in the Rotorua district. 
  • Select a time period from the daily, monthly or yearly calculator and then enter your visitors into the input boxes.
  • Note that locals are not included in the Rotorua visitor data and therefore ideally you also will exclude locals from the domestic value you input.  

Spend Market Share Calculator

Data source: Marketview, Tourism Tool

  • This calculator is based on electronic card transaction data which calculates the domestic and international visitor spend at Rotorua merchant point of sale terminals. 
  • Select an 'Experience' type that best matches your business sector.
  • Select a time period from the daily, monthly or yearly calculator and then enter your visitor spend into the input boxes.
  • Note that locals are not included in the data and therefore ideally you will exclude local spend from the domestic value you input.