An in-depth look into commercial accommodation in Rotorua

How many people can Rotorua accommodate? How many five star rooms do we have in Rotorua? What is our average daily room rate?

“How many people can Rotorua accommodate?” is a question we're asked frequently from event organisers to school groups to businesses. If you work in the tourism or events sector, it’s probably a question that you probably ask yourself frequently too. This is a question that we're trying to find an accurate answer to.

This is part of a broader journey we're on to find answers for the big questions, and open up the findings for all to use. Openness, accessibility and transparency are our core principles when it comes to data and insights. 
Accommodation is a hugely important sector for Rotorua and for this reason we are on a mission to answer not only the question of overall capacity but also more in-depth questions like how many five-star rooms we have in the city, what is the average room rate, how many rooms are currently being used for emergency housing, and a whole lot more.
To do this, we've worked with an external partner, AIC, to create an interactive dashboard that contains data on the different commercial accommodation providers operating in our district. Information has been sourced through publicly available sources such as online booking platforms (e.g.,, industry feedback, and other information (e.g., Ministry of Social Development grants).
It’s a very simple tool that we hope you'll find value in answering some of those nagging questions. Please get in touch with us at if you have more up-to-date information. 
This is the first step in our accommodation data journey which also includes looking at holiday homes (e.g. Airbnb) in Rotorua and also the next evolution of the forward-looking booking data. We’re looking forward to bringing you along this journey and hope you find it as valuable as we do. 
Click here to check out the accommodation dashboard!

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