Investment Opportunities

While Rotorua is a growing and thriving city, there are still so many opportunities for investment

Categorising key investment opportunities into seven areas makes navigating your future easier.
Whether you’re looking to join the global trend in incorporating indigenous ingredients in your menu, or taking advantage of the still-growing $3.7 trillion spa and wellness industry, Rotorua is the prime location for you to take advantage of our high number of visitors, as well as the locals who regularly frequent dining establishments and geothermally based spas and activities.
Rotorua is also a desirable destination for luxury products, especially accommodation. However, demand for luxury accommodation is not keeping up with demand.
Key manufacturers in Rotorua can be divided into four sectors: machinery and equipment, transport equipment, fabricated metal products, and wood products. Due to its size and location, Rotorua is ideally placed to meet these requirements for a range of industrial businesses.
On the creative side, film and TV development is experiencing significant growth following the arrival of Greenstone Productions putting down permanent roots in Rotorua, and announcing a new TV series being filmed locally and calling out for local talent. 
Last, but surely not least, we have start-ups. There is no shortage of entrepreneurs already based in Rotorua, but there certainly is room for more. In fact, why not surround yourself with like-minded people who are currently or were once in the same boat – there’s a lot to be said about “birds of a feather”! Rotorua in particular has an incredible network of support whether you need advice on where, when and how, to leadership development and mentoring programmes, to funding, growth and management guidance.