Māori Economy

Māori are major stakeholders and contributors to economic growth in the wider Bay of Plenty region


The value and potential of the Māori economy is recognised across industries such as forestry, energy, aquaculture, freight logistics, and sport and recreation.
We work directly with iwi to develop viable opportunities that provide sustainable investment for their hapū and whānau. We also collaborate with organisations and committees by providing input for the likes of the National Māori Economic Development Strategy and Bay of Connections Māori Strategy.



With iwi groups such as Pukeroa Lakefront Holdings and Rotoma No 1 Incorporation investing in landscape-changing commercial building projects, Destination Rotorua is working to maximise the associated benefits of these projects to the wider region. This includes planning and connections for education and training, staffing, planning, and social procurement.

Collaboration with mana whenua (local Māori landholders) is woven into the fabric of Rotorua, backed by the Te Tatau o Te Arawa partnership between local iwi and Rotorua Lakes Council, and enshrined in our motto of Tātou Tātou – We Together.